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Walmart Account

Walmart Inc. is an American multinational retail corporation that operates from United States. Seller central Marketplace is where sellers can list new items and sell through Walmart seller central to their customers.

SPCTEK helps with selling internationally through Walmart, provides marketing services such as optimizing, running sponsored ads, identifying new product opportunities, increasing the number of reviews for your product and increasing the number of reviews for your Walmart seller account.

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Our Service Includes:

  • Setting up your Walmart account
  • Listing of products and allotting categories
  • Product optimization
  • Making Multi-variation listing whenever required
  • Getting increasingly positive surveys/evaluations from clients
  • Walmart sponsored ads management
  • Inventory management
  • Overall account health
  • Working on customer support and constant Walmart updates
  • Manage case logs
  • Brand registry and protection
  • Manage campaigns

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17714 Bannister St Suite # 103
Dallas Texas 75252

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