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How to Improve Amazon Account Health Rating (AHR) and Avoid Suspension?

How to Improve Amazon Account Health Rating (AHR) and Avoid Suspension?

2 min Read | 9 min Read

What is Amazon Account Health Rating? 

The Amazon Account Health Rating is a score indicating a seller’s performance on Amazon. It ranges from 1 to 1000: 200-1000 (Healthy), 100-199 (At Risk), and 99 or below (Unhealthy). It’s determined by factors like order defect rate, late shipment rate, and valid tracking rate.

Amazon Account Health Metrics Consist of Three Main Parts:

Customer Service Performance: This measures customer satisfaction, reflected by the “Order Defect Rate” which should be below 1%. It includes negative feedback, A-to-Z claims, and chargeback claims.

Policy Compliance: This involves respecting intellectual property, product safety, and not selling restricted items.

Shipping Performance: This involves three aspects:

  • Late Shipment Rate: Keep it under 4%.
  • Pre-fulfillment Cancel Rate: Aim for under 2.5%.
  • Valid Tracking Rate: Aim for 95% or more.

Tips to Improve Amazon Account Health Rating:

Transparent Listings: Ensure accurate and clear product descriptions to prevent customer dissatisfaction and negative feedback.

Swift Customer Responses: Respond promptly to customer messages, and their concerns to maintain a positive rating.

Punctual Shipping: Fulfill orders before the promised dates to avoid late deliveries.

Quality Assurance: Prioritize offering high-quality products to secure positive reviews and prevent negative feedback from unhappy customers.

Compliance with Amazon’s Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with Amazon’s rules and policies to guarantee fair treatment of customers and avoid unintentional rule violations.

Follow these tips to boost your Amazon Account Health Rating.

Amazon Account health Management


In this detailed guide, we’ll explore how Amazon’s Account Health rating system works. Whether you’re experienced and want to improve how you work, or you’re new and want to start off strong, this guide will give you useful tips to make your Amazon Account Health rating better.

What is an Amazon Account Health Rating? 

Amazon Account Health Rating (AHR) is a metric used to monitor your Amazon account health in Amazon Seller Central. AHR scores range from 1 to 1000. A score of 200 to 1000 is considered “Healthy,” a score of 100 to 199 is considered “At Risk,” and a score of 99 or lower is considered “Unhealthy.”

Amazon Account health dashboard

Think of it like a report card for your shop. It looks at things like how many customers are happy with what they bought from you, if you’re sending out orders on time, and if you’re following all the rules that Amazon has set for sellers. This rating helps Amazon decide if your shop is doing great, needs some improvement, or if there’s a big issue that needs fixing.

What Metrics are Included In Amazon Account Health?

AHR (Account Health Ratings) can be accessed by visiting the Account Health section under the Performance menu in your Amazon Seller Central account.

Amazon seller performance metrics

This section has three main parts that affect your account health rating:

  1. Customer Service Performance
  2. Policy Compliance
  3. Shipping Performance

Customer Service Performance

This measures how satisfied your customers are. It’s shown as a percentage called the “Order Defect Rate,” and it should be under 1%. This rate comes from three things:

  • Negative Feedback
  • A-to-Z Guarantee Claims
  • Chargeback Claims

Policy Compliance

As a seller on Amazon, you must follow many rules, like respecting intellectual property, ensuring product safety, and not selling restricted items. To keep your account healthy, it’s important to avoid breaking any of these rules. You can find these rules in your account.

Shipping Performance

Your shipping performance is also important. There are three parts to this:

  • Late Shipment Rate: Try to keep this below 4%.
  • Pre-fulfillment Cancel Rate: Aim for less than 2.5%.
  • Valid Tracking Rate: Aim to have 95% or more of your orders with valid tracking information.

Remember, these metrics matter mainly for orders you handle yourself. If you want an easier route, consider Amazon FBA.

Amazon Account Health Metrics are the things Amazon looks at to see how well you’re treating customers, following the rules, and managing shipping. These three areas affect your account health rating, so it’s important to pay attention to them!

Consequences of an Unhealthy Account Health Rating

If your AHR score drops below 99, your account runs the risk of being suspended or deactivated. This would mean you can’t use your account, add new products, or do business on Amazon. Your customers won’t be able to buy your stuff, and you can’t send out orders that were already placed.

Amazon will also ask you to make a “Plan of Action” (POA) if your account health is at risk. This plan should show that you understand the issues and explain what steps you’ll take to fix them. If Amazon sees that you’re serious about solving the problems, they might not deactivate your account.

It’s also important for you to look at how you’re doing and figure out why things aren’t going well. By dealing with the main problems, you can work on making your account health better and eventually meet the requirements.

In situations like these, seeking assistance can be invaluable. Consider exploring services like SPCTEK’s Amazon Account Audit, designed to help sellers navigate through challenges. Such services can provide insights into improving your account’s health.

Tips to Improve Amazon Account Health Rating

Let’s talk about ways to sustain or enhance your Amazon account’s health rating.

1. Be Honest About Your Products

When you put up pictures and descriptions of your items for sale, make sure they’re really clear and truthful. If customers didn’t receive what they expected, they might leave bad feedback, and that’s not good for your Amazon account’s health rating.

2. Answering Customer Questions Fast

Nowadays, customers want quick responses. If someone sends you a message, try to reply within a day. This helps show that you care about your customers and keeps your account health rating good.

3. Shipping Orders on Time

It’s important to send out your products before the dates you promised. If too many orders are late, it can hurt your account’s health rating. Amazon says that less than 4 out of 100 orders should be late.

4. Sell Quality Stuff

When you sell products, make sure they’re of good quality. If your customers are happy with what they get, they’ll leave positive reviews. But if they’re not happy, they might leave negative reviews, and that can lower your account’s health rating.

5. Understand Amazon’s Rules

Amazon has rules that sellers need to follow. These rules make sure everyone is treated fairly. Take the time to read and understand them. If you don’t, you might accidentally do something against the rules, and that can affect your account health rating.

Remember, following these steps can help improve your Amazon Account Health Rating. It’s like taking care of your online shop’s reputation, and that’s important for your success on Amazon.

Is Your Amazon Account Health on Life Support? Breathe Life Back with Spctek’s Account Health Management! Click here to Book Your Meeting


In a world where online selling thrives, maintaining a healthy Amazon Account Health Rating is paramount. It’s not just about numbers; it’s about building trust, exceeding expectations, and thriving on Amazon’s platform. By understanding the metrics, addressing challenges, and following best practices, you’re poised to elevate your shop’s reputation and succeed in the competitive world of e-commerce.

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