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eBay Listing Price Guide

What Should the eBay Listing Price be in 2024?

It’s no secret that selling on eBay can be a great way to skyrocket your sales. However, you need to be careful if you don’t want to lose money on the platform. Setting prices can be extremely important when it comes to being profitable..

Are you planning to start selling on eBay and want to list your product at the best possible price? If so, let’s learn what factors you need to consider while pricing your products.

In this article, we’ll help you to set prices for your products and share the best eBay seller tips. This will allow you to adjust your listing prices and maximize your profits to avoid leaving money on the table.


1. Know Your Costs

One factor to consider when pricing your products is their cost. How much did it cost you to make or source the product? How much does it cost to ship the product?

Sometimes, you will also want to include your advertising and marketing costs, eBay fees, and payment processing fees, i.e., those charged by PayPal.

These are essential factors to consider, as you don’t want to price your product so low that you lose money on the sale or too high that buyers run away from it!


2. Know Your Competition

The first thing to do after analyzing the cost of the product is to know how many sharks are in the sea. Look more closely at the cost of comparable products that are being sold on eBay.


know your competition

Here, you can see how much the item sold for, how many bids were placed, and what the shipping cost was. This information can give you a good idea of what buyers are willing to pay for an item and what shipping costs you should expect.

You can also get an idea of your competition by looking at the “Seller Information” section on each listing. This section contains the seller’s feedback rating as well as the number of feedback received.

It will give you a good idea of what prices are reasonable.


3. Avoid Undercutting

eBay is a marketplace that thrives on competition. Undercutting your prices to make a sale may be good for you. If you are a new seller, you cannot compete with other sellers who have been selling on eBay for a long time. Undercutting prices to make a sale is a short-term scheme, and when your competitor starts doing the same, it will eventually start a price war, which is definitely not good for you.


4. Use eBay’s “Average Selling Price” 

Listing your items at the right price will help you sell more. Look for similar products on eBay to get an idea of what other sellers are charging.

If you’re not sure how much you should charge or aren’t sure of your item’s value, you can use eBay’s search function to help you find similar listings and decide on a price.


5. Pricing Psychology

When selling on eBay, a lot of effort goes into pricing your items correctly. Not only do you need to account for the cost of the item itself, but you also need to consider factors like shipping, taxes, and other listing fees that may apply. And on top of that, you need to ensure that your prices are competitive enough to attract buyers.

But many sellers don’t realize that there is another important factor to consider when pricing their items: pricing psychology.

How you price your items can significantly impact how likely people are to buy them. And by understanding the psychology behind pricing, you can help increase your chances of making a sale.

Here are a few eBay pricing approaches to keep in mind when selling on eBay:


(a) The Odd-Even Effect

Regarding pricing, people tend to respond more favorably to prices that end in odd numbers (like $5.99 or $9.99) than prices that end in even numbers (like $6.00 or $10.00). It is because odd numbers are perceived as being more favorable and tend to stick out more in our minds.


odd even effect

So, if you’re looking to make a quick sale, it’s worth pricing your items with an odd number at the end.


(b) The Left-Digit Effect


Left Digit Effect

Another pricing psychology phenomenon you should be aware of is the left-digit effect. This is the tendency for people to focus more on the first digit in a price than the other digits that follow.

For example, if you’re selling an item for $199, people are more likely to perceive it as a better deal than one for $200 since they get to save a dollar.


Wrapping Up!

After reading this eBay pricing guide, you should be more familiar with how to set prices for your  products. Remember to keep your eBay pricing strategy competitive and profitable, and consider all the costs while selling your product. By doing this, you’ll surely make a profit on every sale.

Happy selling! 

If you are expanding from another marketplace to eBay, let SPCTEK be your expert in multi-channel sales.  We are familiar with maximizing your pricing on eBay.

Also, check out How to create a top-selling eBay product listing.


There is no fixed formula for pricing your product on eBay but it is essential to consider costs, competition, and market demand.

It is important to regularly analyze sales data, view buyer behavior, and adjust pricing based on performance.

In order to attract more buyers, it is important to consider offering promotions strategically, factoring them into your overall pricing strategy.

For this it is important for the seller to regularly check market trends and adjust as needed, especially if the item isn’t selling.

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