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Case Study

ASIN Listing Reinstatement for Miracle of Aloe (MOA)

Assessed and successfully reinstated ASIN listing for MOA product that generated 60% of their sales.

The Problem

Miracle of Aloe (MOA) has been a reputed brand in providing people with affordable, natural skincare solutions and health and wellness products since 1981. They were faced with the challenge that one of their high sales generated ASIN listing of Foot Repair Cream was suspended by Amazon on the basis of a health claim that they had made in the description of their product listing.

Since the suspended ASIN generated around 60% of the sales for MOA, it was essential for them to reinstate that listing as soon as possible.

Our Solution

The first step that we took was to conduct an in-depth assessment of the suspended ASIN listing to identify the root cause. With the help of our assessment, we were successfully able to understand that the reason behind the suspension was a certain health claim that was made by the product in its description.

In the case of any medical condition, Amazon is extremely cautious that brands do not make any explicit claim of eliminating a certain disease as it can trigger Amazon filters leading to ASIN suspension.

As a measure to reinstate the listing, we made necessary changes in the product description removing the health claim. We also drafted a short and precise appeal to Amazon so that we can initiate the reinstatement process. In addition to this, in order to further accelerate the overall process we submitted the appeal from two different areas, compliance central as well as help support.


Results Achieved

Following the comprehensive ASIN reinstatement process, from listing assessment to appeal submission, we achieved successful reinstatement within just 2-3 days. Through our concerted efforts, MOA experienced the following benefits:

  • Our proactive approach ensured that MOA’s listing was restored without disrupting their sales flow.
  • MOA’s revenue from Amazon remained steady and uninterrupted, ensuring their financial stability.
  • Effectively eliminated any future risks of ASIN suspension, providing MOA with long-term peace of mind.

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